Yoga Reflection & Owner
Our Practice
Yoga Reflection is Pradnya's yoga therapy practice where she has been passionately leading Private & Group Yoga classes & therapy sessions for nearly 2 decades. To make it accessible for everyone, she offers group classes at several locations. She had been offering the Pay it Forward Karma Yoga classes at the Hickory Public Library once a week for the past 10 years at no cost to the general public until the 2020 shutdown.
As a yoga therapy practitioner, she can provide a direct one on one guidance in a safe & non-judgmental environment based on a traditional format to all keen yoga seekers willing to adapt to the yogic way of living.
The new addition, Sound Therapy can provide deep meditation experience to anyone who is novice to meditation or has hard time practicing traditional meditation due to limitations such as hyperactive mind or ADHD. Besides it's other benefits, Sound Therapy sessions primarily serve as an instant stress relief to anyone coping with the hustle bustle of modern life, making it a must do tuning at least once a month.
Living her yoga for all her life, she is dedicated to inspiring keen students to follow yoga lifestyle for a better and improved health & life. She recommends that following her tailored plan consistently to the T is the proven key to seeing positive results with both Therapeutically-oriented Yoga & Yoga Therapy services.
Being a resident of Hickory, she currently offers her service in and around Hickory area, as well as at neighboring studios in North Carolina. Some of her students often continue their sessions remotely when they are away for business trips or even after they relocate to help them maintain their wellness!
Our Intention
In addition to offering yoga group classes, our goal is to offer accessible & affordable Personalized Yoga & Yoga Therapy Solutions for everyone as a preventive healthy life style opportunity! This will create a healthy shift from the usual human tendency to seek medical / counselling help only upon falling ill. Scheduling an appointment for yoga therapy is no different than scheduling a session for massage or well-visits elsewhere. It's that easy. The major difference is that you don't schedule an appointment with us to treat any pre-existing illness because we are not medical providers and we don't accept any health insurance. However, if your health insurance accepts these self-care services, you may be able to file for it yourself.
Our practice does Not treat/ cure/ heal people. The main purpose of private yoga & yoga therapy appointments emerges from the need of 'Prevention is better than cure' philosophy. Yoga continues to hand down the jewels of ancient wisdom which help one stabilize one's mind, body and soul & therefore allowing one to manage life & stress in a healthy way. This eliminates the room for most illnesses. Yet, we recommend seeking timely medical assistance in the event of any illness & following your doctor's orders at all times. Here at Yoga Reflection, we use the traditional Ashtaanga yoga lifestyle wisdom & yoga therapy techniques to prevent the root of problems itself by providing tools such as meditation & mindfulness, stretches, muscle toning asanas, breath & circulation and relaxation. Yoga also helps in managing certain conditions better & is often complimentary to one's ongoing medical treatment in those cases. Often people may seek personalized yoga services as a path to making positive lifestyle changes either on their own or upon Doctor's recommendation post diagnosis of conditions such as prediabetes, diabetes, obesity, HBP, LBP, heart ailments, cancer etc. Hence, if already diagnosed with a certain condition or under medical care, we highly suggest that you seek your doctor's approval before scheduling a Yoga Therapy session.
Routine individualized Sessions are sure way to experience visible improvement and personal growth within the set time line. While packs for each service are already offered at Yoga Reflection, we are now introducing 4 types of commitment combo package options to help focus on achieving one's personal target of Self-Transformation. It also includes several bonus savings to boost one's commitment! Contact here to schedule your free discovery call.
About Owner, Instructor & Therapy Practitioner ~ Pradnya
E-RYT, RCYT, YACEP, Yoga Therapy & Sound Therapy Practitioner, B.A. Philosophy
Personal Yoga Practice: 35+ years
Yoga Teaching Experience: 25+ years
Yoga Therapy Practice: 15+ years
Yoga Certifications: Several Yoga Teacher Training Certifications; Yoga Therapy and Sound Healing Certifications (from India & USA)
Degree: B.A. Philosophy
Other Certifications: Vocal Training in Indian Classical & Carnatic Music ; CPR & First-Aid ; Diplomas in 5 Foreign Languages
Yoga Alliance Credentials: E-RYT (Experienced Yoga Teacher); RCYT (Registered Child Yoga Teacher); YACEP (Continuing Education Provider)
Yoga Workshops & Events: Multiple locations, nationally & internationally
Karma Yoga Service: Free Karma Yoga @ local Library was held every week for past 10 yrs. (2010-2020)

"As you begin your Yoga journey, you commit to your overall wellness. It begins to transform your entire self no matter where you are in your life journey , starting with the physical aspect of asanas. A consistent guided practice helps you learn the art of letting go of your ego and hidden negativity within and around you and then helps you discover how to reconnect with yourself & how to become naturally more grounded, calmer, happier, mindful & much much more from within. Before you know, your journey turns your every weakness / bad into good, your every good into better and your better into best. You master the art of self-care, self-awareness and self-love and with that you understand your purpose in life and begin living a more intentional, meaningful and functional life; thereby becoming a designer of your own life! " ~ Pradnya G.